Effect of lockdown in climate change
There are many countries in the world approximatrly around 195. Nowdays due to global warming many of the countries are getting their highest temperature and many people are dying due to hig temperature this is why because no one is conscious about global warming . Everyone throws their waste here and there instead of storing in dustbins. In a world due to lack of education many people even don't know about global warming. Infact if everyone will throw less waste there will be less global warming but people are not concious about it . One of major problem of global warming is incineration. So,what if global warming doesn't maintain .Temperature will start increasing and increasing due to which people may die because of suffering from (Dehydration , Nausea) etc…
Do you know what is global warming ?
The significant change in everage weather in due course of time on earth or in any part of it is called climate change.
So, how is effect of lockdown in climate change. Nowdays due to corona virus (COVID-19) government has said to do lockdown everywhere due to which main source of climate change i.e. factories or industries are closed due to which temperature is maintaining.
No one can go out of home because for their own security by corona virus so no one can throw their waste.So if factories will be closed and no one will throw waste there will be less pollution and temperature can be maintained.
Therefore , due to closed factories and cleanliness we can say that temperature is maintaining.Thus, this is effect of lockdown in climate change
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